Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Afghani Meatballs and Noodles

I found this recipe online and thought the name sounded good.
However, I didn't have much time to look it over and tweak it to my
spicy liking. Also, I couldn't find ground lamb in the market that day,
so I used a combo of pork and beef. Of course, I took the easy way out
and just sauted my meatballs in my family skillet, and they turned out
overdone and tough. So, I am going to tell you how I will make it next time
and if you try it, then you can email me and tell me if it worked or not.
Or, what the hey, put your spin on it and email me the recipe you came
up with.

Make meatballs with ground lamb or meat of your preference. Spice
them up with cinnamon, coriander,tumeric, cayenne, nutmeg, garlic,
salt and pepper. Be careful not to overmix, and roast them in the
oven till just done.

Boil some egg noodles in salted water.

Make a sauce by sauteing some chopped onion, garlic, canned tomatoes.
Cook over med heat for a few minutes. Then add a little white wine and
reduce. Turn the heat down to very low and wait until mixture has cooled
down before adding plain yogurt and sour cream (about a 50/50 mix).
Then add some sliced sundried tomatoes(in oil and drained), some oregano
and parsley in generous amounts. Throw a dash of worchestershire in
at the end and pour over drained noodles. Serve meatballs on top.

The original recipe called for mint instead of oregano, but for
the people I was feeding, I substituted. Feel free to use mint though
with the lamb, it will be delish!

Let me know how the new tweaked recipe tastes! And you know,
I look forward to seeing your variations.

Till next post, good eating!

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